Kulturakademie Tarabya Open Call 2024/2025
The Tarabya Cultural Academy awards annual residencies to artists from different disciplines for four to eight-month stays in Istanbul as part of an open call procedure.
Exceptionally qualified artists and cultural professionals who have already gained public recognition for their works or publications and who live and work in the Federal Republic of Germany, and tandems of cultural professionals residing in Germany and Turkey who qualify within the framework of the Turkish-German co-production grants. Applications from students are excluded.
Both tandem partners receive a monthly cash grant to realize their joint artistic project. The monthly rate for residents from Germany corresponds to that of the regular Tarabya Cultural Academy residencies; for residents from Turkey, the monthly rate is 2,000 euros (in TL according to the current exchange rate). The grant for residencies for Turkish partners is provided by the Allianz Foundation.
For further information please click here.