Bekir Balcı
Bekir Balcı
Hazal Öztetikler
Hüsna Çakır
Hüsna Çakır
Hüsna Çakır
Hazal Öztetikler – Burcu Ertunç
01/05 – 30/11/2021
“Barbaros Water Cultural Heritage ” researches the tangible and intangible water cultural heritage of the Barbaros village. Through nature art, the project revives the relationship of local people with the water cycle and the concepts of culture and heritage, and organizes activities in order to re-experience the village’s wells used for rainwater harvest for hundreds of years and to convey its stories regarding water to the future. Based on oral history works, a cultural route is prepared in which everybody can visit the village, the wells, the ponds, and other water cultural properties.
Drawing attention to the contemporary condition of the relationship between water and humans in the local contexts, the project receives support from the scientific researches conducted in the vicinity. Graphic designer Bircan Akay, one of the residents of the village, creates illustrations on the village’s stories about water. An exhibition at the Mimas Art House and Studio, the texts and illustrations of the stories collected in the process, and the photographic documentation of the nature artworks open to visitors. The project team consists of the village residents. In addition, an open call for nature artists and art workshops for the village residents are organized. Furthermore, the project is conducted in collaboration with the Patika Art Group, which creates permanent land artworks in the Barbaros Village.
Performance, Street Art
06/09 – 30/09/2024
Installation, Performance
30/09 – 23/10/2022
İzmir, Mardin
15/05 – 29/11/2022