© Nikita Chuntomov
© Nikita Chuntomov
Tiyatro Medresesi
28/08 – 02/09/2018
A woman, her beloved, and a homecoming. These simple elements make up the heart of Mario Biagini’s ‘Katie’s Tales,’ a garden fairytale presented as part of the IV. International Monodrama Festival. Featuring a powerful performance by Agnieszka Kazimierska, the performance tells a tale of desire, of waiting, and of return: A young woman, together with her two servants, spends her time in a garden of wonders. When someone important to her leaves after a terrible occurrence, her world is thrown into doubt. What of those who wait for others to return? Are they also on a journey? “Katie’s Tales” forces the audience to grapple with the lights and shadows of someone else’s background so that they may question their own origins and the role their consciousness plays in the stream of history.
Dance, Performance, Storytelling
Screening, Training
01/07 – 11/07/2018
Dance, Film, Performance
Screening, Training
01/04 – 28/07/2024
Performance, Storytelling
Screening, Training
15/05 – 15/11/2024