Zeycan Alkış
Zeycan Alkış
Zeycan Alkış
Zeycan Alkış
Mardin Culture Association
01/05 – 30/11/2021
The feminist project “One Voice One Story / Dengek Çîrokek (2)’’ creates a joint story from experiences, agendas, and feelings of young women shared in online theatre workshops. The emerging stories are turned into a theater play and rehearsed in joint workshops before being performed and recorded in Turkish and Kurdish. The play is written and directed by Duygu Dalyanoğlu from the Bosphorus Performing Arts Ensemble. In a second step, the play is turned into a two-part animation film with sound and music design by Beril Sarıaltun and visual design by Zeycan Alkış. This digital production created through women’s lingual expressions is opened to the public on YouTube as “One Voice One Story: Journey / Dengek Çîrokek: Rêwîtî”.
Performance, Theatre
27/10 – 05/11/2023
Dance, Theatre
15/05 – 15/12/2022
Batman, Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Van
01/04 – 15/11/2022