‘Acting Diwan: Crows (Diwana Lîstikvaniyê)’ presents acting workshops with the interpretations of the contemporary cultural elements for acting that Mirza Metin, art director of Şermola Performance, has been working on for many years. With these methods, a theatre play is developed during the workshops. Participants of the project who are selected through an open call first attend reading sessions, moderated by Metin, about the concept of a play, playing, the desire to play, acting, rituals, and myths. In the second phase, Mehmet Sedat Kaplan delivers online workshops exploring folk dances related to physical movement techniques like the epicenter of the movement, dynamics of the movement, and govend dance. Afterward, participants continue with workshops from Berfin Zenderlioğlu for singing, breathing, and stran, a singing method in Kurdish.
After the workshops, the play ”Crows (Serencama Qijikan)”, previously staged by Şermola Sahne at the İstanbul Theatre Festival, is performed in the project cities with a new approach. Both the project partner Govend Istanbul and Mirza Metin conduct their workshops online,, but they physically meet the actors during rehearsals and screenings.