Mahir Akkoyun
Mahir Akkoyun
Merve Karataş
Merve Karataş
Merve Karataş
Murat Kartal-Lütfü İrdem
11/10 – 31/12/2020
From the first months of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has transformed human connection with the world into an online mode, as humanity was forced to stay indoors. Concerning the new methods of production and exhibitions, the project focuses on the camera obscura, one of the first methods of photography, and a technique that can be adjusted in the realm of the contemporary digital world.
‘Inside Out – Camera Obscura’ explores the question of whether the pioneering invention of photography, camera obscura, commonly known as the darkroom technique, could be a suitable production method for the recent norms of the pandemic. Twenty participants selected by an open call are trained in the camera obscura technique and its historical development by Assoc. Prof. Çağatay Göktan. Following the lecture, the participants employ the darkroom technique by turning their rooms into canvases. Later, the works are being presented to audiences with an online exhibition.
Visual Arts
10/09 – 10/12/2020
Visual Arts
01/07 – 30/11/2020
Visual Arts
Diyarbakır, Mardin
05/09 – 10/12/2020