Creative Movement, Creative Expression

Tango MED Arts Academy




01/07 – 21/09/2018

‘Creative Movement, Creative Expression’ offers the citizens of Diyarbakır a new way to explore the methods of raising mindfulness and self-reliance via dance and other movements based on creative expression. Within the project’s scope, which is held in cooperation with the Tango MED Arts Academy, an educational program has been organized which incorporates the collective guidance and wisdom of a dance professional, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a psychological counsellor and 10 professionals from NGOs who have specific experience working with disadvantaged groups in the region. In this spirit, creative movement and dance therapists Marcia Plevin and Tiziana Giansante carry out discussions for the participants and the instructors. While the participants re-establish the bonds between the different layers of the body and mind using methods in dance therapy like physical expression and honing their senses, emotions, thoughts, and memories through improvised movement, they are simultaneously informed about creative movement and the theories of and principles behind dance therapy. Through these tactile and yet abstract workshops and discussions, participants are encouraged to find solutions to issues on an individual level by utilizing the body’s capacities of soothing, self-healing, and self-revival.