Ali Cem Doğan
Ali Cem Doğan
Ali Cem Doğan
Ali Cem Doğan
15/06 – 30/11/2020
‘Daragaç’ collective, working in the field of urban art, are realizing six project activities under the title of ‘Daragaç V: ‘VAR’, ‘Daragaç VR’, ‘Daragaç Elden Ele’, ‘Sounds of Daragaç’, ‘Daragaç Çocuk’ and ‘Daragaç Icra’. The exhibition “Daragaç V: ‘VAR” invites 13 artists from the Umurbey neighborhood, and is accessible online via the website prepared by the ‘Daragaç VR’ team. Thirteen artists participate in “Elden Ele”, handing over their unfinished artworks to a colleague after two days, to finish the works collectively in an atmosphere of motivation and creativity during the pandemic.
For ‘The Sounds of Daragaç’, a big sound library of the Umurbey neighborhood, is created and shared with musicians, who create an album out of this sound inspiration. ‘Daragaç Icra’ opens a new door to multidisciplinary production with performances in four different venues and streets. Started in 2019, the ‘Darağaç Çocuk’ project aims at developing the skills of kids on visual and narrational expressions as well as publishing a book as an output in the long term.
Visual Arts
19/06 – 28/11/2020
Visual Arts
18/05 – 20/11/2020
Visual Arts
01/06 – 30/11/2020