‘Komünitas Izmir’ welcomes the cooperation of partners from all disciplines who are approaching performance as a vast field encompassing all conscious and voluntary human acts, by addressing production and presentation of artworks, event design, and implementation as well as cultural policy studies in the project. The initial focus is to define an interdisciplinary and international common ground for collaboration in cultural management on an organizational, legal, and financial level. ‘Komünitas Izmir’s research is realized with the support of artists, arts and culture managers, and civil society professionals and academics.
The data of online presentations, talks, and forums are collected and shared in an ebook, accompanied by a documentary video, comprised of podcasts and vodcasts. As an extension of these events, the artists Deniz Güngören, Ilyas Odman, Rafet Arslan, Sevcan Sönmez, and Su Güzey create specific artworks on online platforms.
The project is finalized under the coordination of ‘Open Studio’; with the cooperation of ‘Ben J. Riepe / FREIRAUM’, Fatih Gençkal, ‘Hayy Open Space’, ‘Karantina Initiative’, ‘NomadMind Design and Art Practices Association’, Sevcan Sönmez, ‘Tiyatro 4’; with the solution partnership of ‘Iyibirsey Advertisement & Production’; and the contributions of ‘K2 Contemporary Arts Center’ and ‘PURESPACE’ initiative.