Amidart, 6x6x6
15/04 – 30/11/2019
Even though oral cultural values passed from generation to generation can differ within the same country or territory, the contents may still be very similar. The first and national phase of the project, ‘Oral Culture Studies: Comparing, Compiling and Improvising, an Artistic Production’, aims to discover and discuss the similarities and differences between oral narratives in Diyarbakır and Izmir.
The project, with the cooperation of AmîdArt and 6X6X6, brings artists, authors, storytellers, folk poets (dengbej), musicians and researchers together to share their experiences. 6x6x6’s NOKSAN Improvisation Team presents, among others, folk poet Mesud Gever, musician Ercan Bingöl and fairytale narrators to audiences in both cities. AmîdArt’s workshops teach participants how to put together an oral narrative collection and allow them to practice their storytelling skills. In addition, participants create a book based on their studies conducted in the ‘Folklore Field Research and Compilation Workshop’. ‘Oral Culture Studies: Comparing, Compiling and Improvising, an Artistic Production’, which continues with panels, forums, and roundtables, and culminates in movie screenings in October, creates a traditional and creative atmosphere for the investigation and expression of oral culture in both cities.
Talk, Training
Talk, Training
07/09 – 09/09/2024
Contemporary Art
Exhibition, Talk, Training
15/04 – 15/11/2024