Mert Çakır
Mert Çakır
Mert Çakır
Mert Çakır
Ege Güler
Mert Çakır
Emre Yıldız
09/06 – 03/11/2021
“with design / Design Oriented Spatial Interventions” invites designers to do spatial interventions and installations in Izmir. They will provide an opportunity for city residents’ experience on different public spaces through design. The designers shape their works around questions on urban design in the local context. Their installations and interventions are open to the public in specified areas.
Within the scope of the project, the invited designers Tansel Özalp, Metehan Özcan, Onurcan Çakır, Derya Özkan, and Ayşenur Onaran develop installations/interventions through a design and production process during June and July. The exhibition of the project starts with the first installation/intervention in August, and lasts through September and October., followed by a closing forum. The project is documented on video and printed publication.
The project “with design” is carried out byNomadMind; with the support of the 4T Design and Design History Society, the Izmir Branch of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects, the Graphic Designers Professional Organization, the Izmir Branch of the Industrial Designers Professional Organization, and the Fashion Designers Association of Izmir; and with the collaboration of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mediterranean Academy, the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, the Bornova Municipality, the Karşıyaka Municipality, the Livable Buca Association, and the Köstem Foundation, Street Disco and Alimoğlu Marble.
Installation, Performance
30/09 – 23/10/2022
Online, Talk
Diyarbakır, İzmir, Mardin, Şanlıurfa
05/05 – 20/11/2021
Exhibition, Talk
Ankara, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, İzmir, Mardin
13/06 – 30/11/2021