Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
Puppet Workshop
© GI Izmir
07/10 – 09/12/2017
International Puppet Days presented a puppet and photography workshop which took place at Mimar Sinan Primary School in Izmir. The workshops, hosted by the Goethe-Institut Izmir, aimed to train students between the ages of 7 and 12 by the guidance of professional dramatists and photographers; and endeavored to contribute to the development of children’s imagination and personality through painting, puppet-making and the use of photographic materials. Children were asked to write texts with the help of trainers which were to be revised for creating screenplays and dialogues once they completed their puppets. As the narratives and puppets were prepared, the children rehearsed their own play, which eventually paved the way for them to gain experience in real-life theatre production. Children also participated in a workshop where historical and theoretical background of photography was presented by professionals. They also received manual cameras that were bought for each child specifically for this workshop. After their shooting activities, the program finalized with an exhibition of their photographic works.
Exhibition, Research, Training
15/05 – 13/11/2022
03/05 – 28/11/2021
15/04 – 25/11/2019