Four Authors, Four Meetings





24/05 – 22/11/2019

Young readers in Diyarbakır embark on an inspiring journey in the magical world of books—with the authors who wrote them. ‘Book Days’, organized by Children Studies Association (ÇocukÇA), invites primary school-age children from different backgrounds to read children’s books and meet the books’ authors. The books are gifted to the children in advance as part of the ‘Four Authors, Four Meetings’ reading activities in cooperation with Dicle Fırat Private School, Lilav Bookstore, Morî Publishing House, Colourful Hopes Association and Children First Association. Turkish author Raşel Meseri kicks off the first event with her book Pen Parkta (Pen at the Park) at Dicle Fırat Private School and the children accompany Pen’s exciting adventure. At Colourful Hopes Association the children engage with Kurdish author Ahmed Biri as he reads Piré û Çûçê. The children who listen to the books read by the authors live also have a chance to chat with the authors. Additionally, following the translation of the Turkish books into Kurdish and the Kurdish books into Turkish, the books will be accessible to everyone on the internet and include audio narration and illustrations.