İbrahim Ethem Çöpoğlu
İbrahim Ethem Çöpoğlu
İbrahim Ethem Çöpoğlu
İbrahim Ethem Çöpoğlu
İbrahim Ethem Çöpoğlu
Gazişehir Arts and Culture Association
15/10 – 18/10/2020
Under the theme of ‘Being Woman and Other’, the festival unites female playwrights, directors, and actresses by building an open platform to discuss current issues regarding women. The festival´s opening play produced by ‘MaaPerform’ ‘Heavy and Right Over There’ is staged in two venues in Gaziantep. During the second day of the festival, ‘Seyyar Sahne’s performance ‘Trom’ was performed at St. Bedros Church. The third day of the festival features ‘Tiyatro Hemhâl’s performance of ‘Dear Shameless Death-Dirmit’ which received a standing ovation from the audience. The closing event was Kat’s play ‘One Hundred and Twenty Meters’.
At the end of each performance, conversation sessions titled ‘Let’s Talk About This One’ are moderated by Bade Osma, Özlem Agvan, and Şirin Öten with experts in women´s studies, female writers, academics, dramatists, and activists. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, all events are broadcasted live in a digital environment, while intensive health measures are implemented for the audience. The festival is introducing alternative theater culture to the region and is on its way to represent the international theater festival in its third year in a row.
24/10 – 30/10/2022
Festival, Training
30/04 – 22/11/2021
Music, Theatre, Visual Arts
Festival, Training
27/05 – 03/06/2018