Anıl Kara
Anıl Kara
Anıl Kara
Anıl Kara
Izmir Cinema Culture & Education Association
09/11 – 15/11/2020
‘Izmir International Short Film Festival’ makes short films available online to a wider audience, providing a week-long program for short film enthusiasts filled with talks, technical training, and interviews with film directors. On the event platform, established to run the festival sustainability and safely during the pandemic period, films are available to all film enthusiasts free of charge.
Apart from training in new camera technologies, there are live broadcast programs on cinema. Director Ezel Akay shares his experiences with young filmmakers about film design, aesthetics, and storytelling. Actress Janset Paçal shares a detailed narrative about the foundation of the ‘Actor/Actress Union’ and regarding the challenges for newcomers to the film industry. In addition, she shares her experience of acting in solidarity against labor exploitation in the field of cinema. Screenwriter and director Aysim Türkmen Keskin shares her knowledge on character development with young filmmakers in a script workshop.
Visual Arts
07/09 – 07/12/2020
Visual Arts
05/09 – 10/12/2020
Literature, Visual Arts
15/06 – 15/11/2020