Uğur Acil
Uğur Acil
Merkezkac Art Collective
01/07 – 30/11/2020
‘Merkezkac Art Collective’, driven by the motto ‘There is Safety in Numbers’, form an exhibition platform by bringing together art collectives and initiatives operating in various cities. The project turns an old shopping space and meeting point for diverse cultures into an exhibition center via art collectives and initiatives across Turkey and abroad. The collectives come together for developing new solutions and approaches to social issues such as identity, power, ecology, alienation, and migration with the toolset of contemporary art.
During the ‘Passage’ exhibition, ‘Merkezkac’ researches on what kind of changes collectives may induce with their art practices in peripheries. Collectives look for prospective solutions and create a dialogic environment throughout. ‘ArtRole’ from Erbil and London, ‘Rhythm Section’ from Munich, ‘BatArt Lab’ from Batman, ‘Merkezkac’ from Diyarbakır, ‘Karşı Sanat’ from Istanbul, ‘Mişar Art’ from Mardin, ‘Through the Window’ from the Netherlands/Turkey, and ‘Sarı Denizaltı’ from Izmir participate in the project, along with many more initiatives and collectives. The ‘Passage’ exhibition is open digitally for a month to meet with audiences via panels and meetings.
Visual Arts
Exhibition, Training
11/10 – 31/12/2020
Performance, Visual Arts
Exhibition, Training
01/06 – 30/11/2020
Visual Arts
Exhibition, Training
01/06 – 30/11/2020