© Tiyatro Medresesi
© Tiyatro Medresesi
Tiyatro Medresesi
03/09 – 07/09/2018
Diverse voices from all around the world are on the rise in Izmir. Under the direction of Mario Biagini, an expert in the exploration of using song as a method of research, participants learn about a unique singing approach developed by the Open Program of the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards. As part of the workshop, which is held in cooperation with Tiyatro Medresesi and is entitled “Towards an Open Choir,” participants engage in activities involving the awareness of physical education and learn not only about Afro-American and Afro-Hispanic music traditions, but Middle Eastern styles as well. Moreover, they have the chance to explore the basic elements of movement and how to better incorporate their own bodies into physical interactions via song and dance. Ultimately, participants perform what they have learned and experienced throughout the workshop in the Open Choir, which is available to everyone.
Concert, Exhibition, Training
Hatay, İzmir
30/05 – 15/11/2022
Concert, Training
İzmir, Manisa
01/08 – 23/10/2021
03/05 – 28/11/2021