Fevzi Yaylar
Fevzi Yaylar
Fevzi Yaylar
Fevzi Yaylar
Fevzi Yaylar
Fevzi Yaylar
Fevzi Yaylar
Fevzi Yaylar
Gazişehir Culture and Art Association
13/10 – 17/10/2021
The second edition of “Gazişehir Theatre Festival” brings together Gaziantep’s cultural and historic fabric with alternative theatre plays. The festival hosts seven professional theatre groups with the theme of solidarity, and meets both physically and online with the audience.
The opening play of the festival is “Akreple Yelkovan” [The Hour and Minute Hand] with the production of Üç+1 Sahne, while “Kreutzer Sonata” is staged by Versus Tiyatro on the second day. Ha-Ha Tiyatro’s play “Ne Evet Ne Hayır” [Neither Yes Nor No] is staged on the third day. On the fourth day of the program, Kadıköy Emek Tiyatro’s play “Sanki Hiç Unutmayacakmış Gibi” [As If One Will Never Forget] takes place in the daytime, while Tiyatro Evi’s play “Çirkin” [Ugly] is staged in the evening. The last day of the festival includes the play “Şatonun Altında” [Under the Castle] produced by Fiziksel Tiyatro Araştırmaları as well as the festival’s closing play “Çerağ” by Arte Oyuncuları.
Following each play, there are the activities “Tastes Like Coffee” held in the interactive conversation area of the foyer, while the four-day workshops are conducted by director Güray Dinçol and player Kadir Özdal. Furthermore, academic and dramaturgist Assoc. Prof. Zerrin Yanıkkaya participates in conversations in the part “Let’s Talk About This” within the festival which takes place in four different venues with physical and digital participation.
24/10 – 30/10/2022
11/11 – 13/11/2022
19/11 – 21/11/2021